Complete Solutions for Capsule Coffee Machines Motor and Coffee Grinders Motor

2022-08-23 11:44

Currently, there are many types of coffee machines on the market, including coffee powder machines, capsule coffee machines, and grinder coffee machines. Today we mainly introduce capsule coffee machines and ground coffee machines, as well as some motor solutions.

Motor solution for coffee machine

A capsule coffee machine is a simplified version of the classic espresso machine. There is no need to grind coffee beans. The main components for coffee maker capsule: Heating element, Vibratory pump, Water tank, Air compressor, Injection nozzle, Control board, Heating element outlet valve. The capsule coffee machine is widely used in household. This type coffee machine use the DC gear motor to breakdown the capsule.So the torque is no need too high for DC gearbox motor. And the size and voltage is not big for DC gearbox motor. Our DC spur gearbox motor 37mm series, 25mm series, 30 series, 33 series are the proper optional motors.

For auto grinder coffee machine, it includes high speed coffee grinder and low speed coffee grinder. Our DC gearbox motor use for low speed coffee grinder machine. The low-speed grinder in the automatic coffee machine uses a DC gearbox motor with low speed and high torque to drive the coffee grinder to grind the coffee beans finely, so the thickness of the coffee particles can be precisely controlled, and the particles are very uniform. The low speed and high torque motor solution, DONGMING suggest use our DC worm gearbox motor. The torque is high to grind coffee bean easly.

For more coffee machine motor technology and solutions, please contact us by email

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